Monday 17 October 2016

AN ANSWERED PRAYER: to become pregnant

I met my husband in 2014 and we decided to get married in 2015. We are in a long distance relationship even before until after our marriage. Although, he visits me once a year it was never enough. Just this year in May, we went to Simala Parish Church in Sibonga, Cebu to bless us with a child. On the same day, we got an answer: I had my menstrual period. We were so devastated yet continuously hopeful. If I don't get pregnant before my husband leaves to the US, it will be next year again until we get our chances.

To think that it was only 2 years from the time we've met, we both thought of not losing faith as others were given answers for as long as 10 years. A month after my period, I started to take pregnancy test and it turned out negative. Imagine how many PTs I bought until we get a positive result. Not long, on the same month, I had another test. June 13 when the PT showed a faint line. One line came out darker and the other was lighter. My husband and I couldn't believe our eyes. Our reactions were so funny, we didn't know if we should be excited or frustrated. My husband and I immediately got our gadgets and started researching about getting faint lines on pregnancy test. We got one answer: a positive result no matter how faint it is, is still positive. I had another test the day after and the day after it. Every day, the faint line was starting to get bolder until the two lines showed a clear positive result. Again, my husband and I would like to make sure of things and not just carried away by the situation.

Soon after that week, we went to see an OB-GYN for a confirmation on whether or not what we had was really a positive result. She confirmed that no matter how faint the line is, if you see two lines then it certain is positive. We were happy to know that we were not just assuming. The doctor gave me a list of the laboratory examinations for my routine prenatal care. We went to Hi-Precision Diagnostics Cebu branch for a cheaper price:

1. CBC - Php95
2. FBS - Php75
3. HBA1c - Php415
4. HBsAG : screening Php140; with titer Php350
5. HIV screening Php350
6. RPR or Treponema Test Php95
7. Urinalysis Php60

I also got a Transvaginal Ultrasound* at Sacred Heart Hospital and found out I was 5 weeks pregnant. The sonologist already detected a heart beat. I didn't know you are already able to hear heart beats at 5 weeks.

*Transvaginal Ultrasound cost Php425. However, they made an increase effective October 1, 2016.

My husband and I were so happy that our long time prayer was finally answered. Our excitement could not be contained when the ultrasound result showed baby's heartbeat. However, the sonologist also found out a subchorionic internal hemorrhage which put me on bedrest.

Days before my husband left for the US, we went back to Simala Parish Church in Sibonga to give thanks for the blessing we have prayed. I personally prayed that my condition will get better as my pregnancy progresses. We want this baby to be alive and normal until it's time to give birth. It was a very emotional situation for me to handle this pregnancy alone. Although, I know I am never alone, God is with me and my parents are just a call away.

The second time I visited my OB-GYN, I was already on my own. More problems came, I had ultrasounds every month to monitor the baby. I only go out for my prenatal check-up and laboratory test if there are any. Just recently, the doctor gave me my TT booster (Tetanus Toxoid) and had told me that I have Grade 1 anterior low lying placenta. Still on bed rest, no lifting, no sexual activity, no prolong standing and sitting. In addition, I have gained 6 lbs in the last 4 weeks so as per doctor's advice: monitor my food intake. Less carbohydrates and sweets.

My next prenatal check-up is on November 14. Hopefully, everything will be normal. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜Š