Tuesday 24 September 2019

SLEC US Visa Medical Exam 2019

Hi, I just want to share with you my experience with my IR2 during our US Visa medical examination at SLEC. 

5:00AM — My IR2 and I arrived at SLEC. It was raining and we were forced to form a line or else we will not be given a priority number.

5:30AM — Started to queue on the left side of the building where applicants were asked to form a line for their number. IR2 and I were number 24 and 25.

6:00AM — We got inside the ground floor where we waited for our numbers to be called. Went to cubicle C were Finger print, Photo capture, and Medical Fee taken. We were instructed to go to 4th floor for my phlebotomy test and urine.

6:30AM — Went to 3rd floor for my X-ray.

7:00AM — Went to 2nd floor for our immunisation interview. Doctor asked to proceed to IGRA for IR2.

7:30AM — Went to 5th floor for Vital signs and Physical Examinations. IR2 had his first with a male doctor. After him, I was called to room 6 with a female doctor.

8:00AM — I was asked to repeat X-ray. This time I had a different way instead of the usual PA (Posteroanterior) radiograph. We were done before 10AM and asked to come back tomorrow at 2PM for the result.


12:30PM — Arrived at SLEC. Handed the guard our receipts. Had stamps “4th Floor Laboratory”. I was instructed that I have to undergo a three day sputum. Good thing I can start as early as September 18. No breakfast, no lipstick (for female). Sputum is from 6:30 — 8:30AM only.

1:00PM — Went to third floor for IR2’s X-ray. Waited for 30 minutes for the result. IR2’s X-ray came out normal. He passed. However, he cannot proceed with his immunisation without the principal applicant which is me. He has to wait for me to finish my sputum (3 days) and culture test (8 weeks).

I called the USEM to cancel our appointment. The agent told me that there is no way to cancel appointment. However, not showing on your scheduled interview appointment is understood that applicants are asked for further laboratory tests or treatment.


5:00AM — I arrived at the building with a grey gate next to SLEC. That’s where applicants under sputum and DOT enter.

I was number 19 (red colour). Numbers with colour green are for senior citizens or applicants with illnesses such as diabetic.

6:00AM — the guard started calling applicants in batches. 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 and so on. I was called at 6:30AM and was done at 7:00AM


4:30AM — I got earlier than the first day. I was number 5. This time, I found an easier way to cough out sputum. Just drink more water and don’t cough out the entire night before so you can extract enough sputum the next morning.

I was done at 6AM and was asked to come back tomorrow for my third and last sputum. They will also tell you when to come back for your Pulmonary Evaluation whether or not you will start with your 6 month treatment.


My last day of collecting sputum. I arrived at 4:30 AM. I was number 3 (red colour). They started a little late compared on my second day of sputum. I finished at 6:30 AM and asked to wait outside for my Pulmonary Evaluation schedule. I was supposedly scheduled for September 24 but I requested if I can have it earlier since I already have my plane ticket back to the province on the 24th. They changed my scheduled to September 23 at 8:30 AM.

September 23, MONDAY

I went to SLEC at 6:00AM. The guard at the lobby took my slip and instructed me to wait on the second floor. The staff started calling out names at past 8AM. I was the first one to be called since I was the first one to arrive.

During the Pulmonary Evaluation, the doctor pointed out the reason for undergoing a three day sputum due to the white spots seen in my right lung. Honestly, even when the doctor already zoomed it in the part where he pointed at the white spots, I still couldn't see it. 

I tested negative in the sputum smear. However, the real exam is the culture. I was instructed to wait 8-10 weeks. If anything happens in between those weeks, they will immediately notify me. If I don’t receive a call from them after the 10th week, I should come on the schedule date (November 19) they have set for my vaccinations.

Thanks God and to all the saint for hearing my prayer. Thank you to all who offered their sincere prayers for me. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻