Sunday 20 October 2019


Mactan Island Hopping 

You can also try out hopping islands. There are available boat rentals for cheaper rates depending on the number of pax. 

For 10 Pax, the boat alone will cost you Php3,000. It can already take you to three islands. Entrance fees are shouldered by guests. 

Gilutongan Island 
Entrance Fee: Php100/head

Nalusuan Island
Entrance fee: Php400/ head

Inside Nalusuan Vicinity 

Caohagan Island
Entrance fee: Php200/head

My family took a hassle free service from Cordova Island Hopping with buffet style food inclusion. We paid Php700 each for a minimum of 10 pax. Although we went to our three chosen islands, it was only in Nalusuan Island that we decided to pay an entrance fee. For the other two islands, we only swam near our boat. 

Rate as of March 2019.


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