Sunday 20 October 2019



You might have already guessed my love for beaches. I don’t go hiking mountains as I cannot endure the stress of climbing uphill. As much as I would like to but I value my health for my children’s sake. I can go for thrills and high adrenaline adventures as long as it doesn’t include climbing.

Let’s start with the white beach in ALCOY. The fact that it’s pristine sandy white beach made it famous not only to the locals but as well as to foreign tourists and mind you it’s free admission to public.

For those who are commuting, there’s a bus ride from South Bus Terminal with WiFi on board. Just inform the bus staff to drop you off at Tingko Beach in Alcoy. Bus fare is Php150 and takes 3-4 hours from the city.

Next on the list is OSLOB, where it’s famous for whale sharks encounters. You must be there early morning. There’s a registration and a short briefing about Whale Sharks and what to do. Whale watching costs: Php300 (locals), Php500 (foreigners), Swimming with whale sharks cost Php500 (locals), Php1,000 (foreigners).

You should not miss SUMILON ISLAND. It is 15 minute boat ride from the port. The whole boat rents Php1,500. We suggest that you go here in a group so you could split the 1500 Php boat fare. Some locals will tell you to rent the boat for yourself so you don’t have to waste your time waiting for other guests to whom you could split the fare with.



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