Sunday 20 October 2019


Motherhood really hit me with a hard realisation and made me like a caveman (away from civilization. LOL). Now, I am back for now to show my love for writing.

I am very interested in traveling and finding out what's good for me and my family.

Since Semestral Break is coming, it's time to think of fun and exciting ways to spend your precious time away from home. So I will be sharing with you, my dear readers, the most famous attractions you can do with your five senses in my hometown "CEBU" Yaaaaaay!!!!!

In every place I go to, I never exclude visiting the place's well-known churches. In Cebu, we have a lot, and one of them is the Basilica Minore Del Santo Nino. Just recently, I started attending Friday masses with my kids at Sto Nino. I have been to a lot of churches, to different places and attended masses but so far, I consider Sto Nino church by far the most generous especially when it comes to the last part of the mass.

I would also like to invite you to visit the miraculous castle church: Simala Shrine.

I have experienced miracles during my visits and it never seizes there. Let me share with you my first-hand experience with the miraculous Birhen sa Simala.

I have encountered countless of challenges and failures in my life. I came to visit Simala the first time back in 2009. I failed my Licensure Examination for Teachers the first time and you could just imagine the embarrassment and humiliation I received especially from my own family. I secretly signed up for another examination and went to ask the Virgin Mary in Simala to let me pass my board exam for the second take. Surely, she heard my prayer and I passed.

The second time I asked for another miracle was together with my husband in 2016. After so many failed attempts to conceive a child, our last resort was to go and visit the miraculous Virgin Mary in Simala. This time, I got an immediate answer. it was a "NO...NOT YET." I had my first day of menstruation just as we were about to leave the church. I was so devastated and pressured since I only have a month left before my husband departs to the US for work. I admit, I lost a bit of hope but it didn't stop my faith. A month after, I got pregnant. Another blessing I could not keep. You see, the greater you believe despite the trials the more you are rewarded. Trials are always there to keep us away from our faith but only a few who remains loyal. Remember: "Many are called, but few are chosen."

I have been to this church before but this is the first time that I have intentionally made a prayer in honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help - The Redemptorist Church.

I just recently attended the 8:30AM Wednesday Mass at Redemptorist Church with my family. It was not intentional until she granted one of my prayer intentions despite visiting her again for the first time in over 5 years. I have only asked her this specific prayer intention among all the saints. I was so surprised. I went back the next Wednesday to thank Our Lady of Perpetual Help. She is truly miraculous as my mother told me. 

I am sharing with you this Thanksgiving prayer for a favor received. I learned from the priest's homily that when praying, it should be God-centered and not me-centered. In everything that we do, do it in the name of our Father.


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